Centre for Advancement of Water and Wastewater Technologies

Fleming College

Lindsay, ON


The Centre for Advancement of Water and Wastewater Technologies (CAWT) strives to become a leader in the research, development, improvement, and commercialization of new water-related technologies and solutions.

Working with industry partners from emerging concepts to real world applications, it is our goal to turn innovative ideas into market advantage for a cleaner world.

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200 Albert Street S. PO Box 8000, Lindsay, ON K9V 5E6

Services offered in: English, Chinese (Traditional), Polish and German

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  1. Water & Wastewater Treatment Research & Development
  2. Technology Optimization & Development
  3. Technology Testing, Verification, Certification
  4. Piloting and Demonstration
  5. Accredited Laboratory Analysis
  6. Sample Collection & Field Work
  7. Analytical Method Development
  8. Scientific & Technical Report Writing
  9. Project Design & Management
  10. Education & Training

Previous Research Projects:

  • Intelligent water sensing for early warning of COVID-19 outbreaks
  • Assessing water quality parameters under ice at Great Slave Lake
  • Evaluation of an innovative phosphorus adsorption reactor for agricultural applications
  • Development, optimization and validation of an innovative integrated anaerobic thermophilic digester for the treatment of organic waste and septage
  • Development, optimization and validation of an innovative onsite water reuse technology to treat greywater
  • Validation of third generation UV water purification systems for enhanced treatment of drinking water, reuse and wastewater
  • Rapid industrial composting of compostable foodware: assessment and optimization of the Rocket Composter

Fields of projects:

  • Greywater
  • Residential wastewater
  • Industrial wastewater (breweries, wineries, cosmetics, agriculture, aquaculture, etc.)
  • Water reuse
  • Water reduction
  • Proof of concept
  • Optimization
  • Surveillance
  • Development
  • Validation
  • Certification


  1. Agriculture
  2. Biotechnology
  3. Chemicals and Plastics
  4. Clean Technology
  5. Environmental Technology
  6. Mining
  7. Natural Resources
  8. Water technology


Equipment Function
Secure indoor & outdoor research facilities for projects and mid-scale pilot studies. Research space for bench scale and pilot scale research projects
Environmental chambers Provide temperature, humidity, and light controlled environment for research
Septic tank(s) Allow for external wastewater sources to be hauled in and used throughout a projects duration
State-of-the-art NSF certified and ISO 17025:2017 accredited analytical laboratory A space where all ISO/IEC 17025:2017 accredited laboratory testing takes place for NSF certification
Constructed wetland Contains 6 modifiable cells that allow for the treatment and testing of separate wastewater sources
Experimental ponds 20 Small lined ecosystems for controlled wastewater treatment studies
ICAP 7400 DUO (Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectrometry (ICP-OES) Quantification of trace elements for environmental samples
EVOQ Qube (Liquid Chromatography- Tandem Mass Spectrometry (LC-MS/ MS)) Separation, identification and quantification of soluble organic compounds
UltiMate 3000 (Ultra-High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC)) Separation, identification and quantification of soluble organic compounds
Trace 1300 GC with FID/ECD/ISQ MS detectors (Gas Chromatography with Flame Ionization Detector/Electron Captured Detector/Mass Spectroscopy (GC/FID/ECD/MS) Separation, identification and quantification of volatile and semi-volatile organic compounds
FLASH 2000 Elemental Analyzer (Carbon, Hydrogen, Nitrogen, Sulfur and Oxygen analyzer (CHNS/O)) Quantification of carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen and sulfur in environmental samples
ICS- 1600 (Ion chromatograph) for Cations and Anions Separation and quantification of inorganic ions in environmental samples
SmartChem 200 Discrete Wet Chemistry Analyzer (Automated Colorimeter) Automatic determination of nutrients in environmental samples
PC Titrate System (Automated Titration System) Simultaneous measurement of pH, alkalinity, conductivity and turbidity from environmental samples
PC Biochemical Oxygen Demand Analysis System (PC-BOD) Automatic determination of BOD5 and cBOD5
PeCOD (automated COD analyzer) Quick and accurate determination of COD
TOC-LCPH (total organic carbon analyzer) Measurements of organic matter or contaminants
FLUOstar Omega (Luminometer) Microplate reader for life science applications
PF-8000 Respirometer Assessment of biodegradation, toxicity and biomass activity
UV-1800 UV/Vis (double beam spectrophotometer) Visible and ultra-violet absorbance applications
Bactron IV-900 (Anaerobic Chamber) An environment with controlled levels of oxygen, carbon dioxide, temperature and humidity
Bx-43f (microscope with digital camera) Digital imaging and spectral microscopy.
Level 2 Biological Containment Hood Sterile environmental for safely working with materials contaminated with pathogens at biosafety level II
Ultra Low Temperature Stand-up Freezer (-80ºC) To preserve, freeze and store samples for up to one year without the risk of degradation.
Refrigerated Centrifuge Generally to separate solids from liquids. A refriderated centrifuge is particularly useful in extracting RNA from wastewater, under cooler temperatures to prevent sample degradation.
  • QuantWave Technologies Inc
  • MASS Environmental
  • BlueLeaf Inc.
  • SusGlobal Energy Corp.
  • UV Pure Technologies
  • Greyter Water Systems

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